The U.S. Space Force Plans to Meet with Venture Capital Firms

“We have to have a transparent conversation, so they can understand what the future demand signal might look like,” said Gen. Michael Guetlein, the Space Force’s vice chief of space operations, at the Ronald Reagan Institute’s National Security Innovation Base Summit. “So [VCs] know that, if they’re going to take a bet, there’s a chance that that bet’s going to win.”

Blue Origin Aims to Launch First Lunar Lander in 2025

John Couluris, senior vice president of lunar permanence at Blue Origin, said the company was planning to launch the first “Mark 1” version of its Blue Moon lander in as soon as a year. The company is planning at least two flights of the Blue Moon Mark 1 lander as it works on the Mark 2 lander intended to carry people.


Last updated on - March 5, 2024