USSPACECOM Visit Cements Commitment to Bolstering the Alliance in Korea

U.S. Forces Korea Public Affairs — Gen. Stephen Whiting, Commander of the United States Space Command, visited the Republic of Korea April 21-22, 2024, as part of his first overseas visit. He engaged with senior government and military leaders to further the U.S.-ROK discussions on space and missile defense capabilities in modern warfare, and aims to bolster the integration of space assets within the broader defense framework of the Korean Peninsula.

Space Force to Industry: Prove Value of New Commercial Space Services

Sandra Erwin, SpaceNews — At an Atlantic Council event, Lt. Gen. Shawn Bratton, deputy chief of space operations for strategy, said that Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman wants the Space Force’s new commercial strategy to lead to greater adoption of commercial technology, “and [to] make ourselves maybe a little uncomfortable and go into new areas where we haven’t explored or we haven’t partnered with commercial as much.”


Last updated on - April 24, 2024